Sunday, October 31, 2010

What a Weekend!!

Whew!! That was intense!!

My best friend got married yesterday, and it's been a general consensus that it was one for the ages. There will be pictures posted soon, I'm sure.

Nothing new with my writing, although I did notice something interesting about myself.

I've made two best man speeches in my life, one being at my brother's wedding, and the other being last night. I tried for weeks to write the first one, only meeting frustration and never feeling as if I could never put how I felt about my brother and his new bride into words. With that in mind, I decided to stop trying to make the perfect speech, and just go with it. I had a few key points that I wanted to make, and I would just fill in the blanks, hoping to God that I didn't miss anything. I did the same thing for this speech, and I think it went over well.

I think it's interesting that I'm so meticulous with my writing, which I let hardly anybody read (despite my having this blog, ironically enough), and yet so cavalier with something that I'm putting out there for everyone to see and hear. Maybe I should take a clue from that with my writing.

On a side's really windy outside.


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