Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A New Beginning

I've decided to change the format of this blog a little bit. I originally thought that starting a blog and telling a few people about it would be enough to get my name out there...I honestly thought I would just let my writing speak for itself, and it would be enough for somebody to notice and say, "Hey, this guy's got talent." Oh, how naive I was.

So, with that in mind, I'm going to attempt to "Put the Pen to the Paper" (as they say) everyday, and update you, my few loyal (and very much appreciated, I might add) readers on my quest to becoming a published author. I'll try to post something new every evening about my day and how it's effected (or is it affected? Maybe I should learn that before my book is finished) my writing. I will still be posting other things that I've written, as well, but I'm hoping that this will give me some inspiration to keep writing.

Thanks for tuning in!!


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